Upcoming Events

Opening Hours


Monday – Thursday


Saturday & Sunday

Public holidays

Box Office

Monday – Friday

*Open 1 hour before all shows

Opening Hours


Monday – Friday

Saturday & Sunday

Public holidays

Box Office

Monday – Friday

*Open 1 hour before all shows

Group Fitness Booking

Group Fitness Booking

Bay Pavilions offers an online booking system for all group fitness classes too!

Book your class today

Bookings can be made up to 25 hours in advance for our membership & visit pass holders, or 24 hours in advance for casual and fitness passport patrons.

Ensure you’re prepared for an energising workout:

  • Bring a towel to all classes. Towel use is compulsory for all classes. If you forget: towels will be available to purchase at reception.
  • Stay hydrated with a water bottle.

Ready to Get Started? Make a booking today:

Aqua and Group Fitness timetable

Choose from more than 100 live and virtual Les Mills and free form group fitness classes each week to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

How to book a group fitness class

You can book Bay Pavilions group fitness classes on Active Carrot, our online system!

  1. Click this link: https://secure.activecarrot.com/login?site=1441
  2. Click “Forgot Username/Password?”
  3. Enter your email address (must be the email you used when you signed up at The Pavilions)
  4. Click “Retrieve Password”
  5. You will receive an email from no-reply@activecarrot.com with a retrieval code
  6. Copy the retrieval code
  7. Past the retrieval code into the “Password Retrieve Code” box on the website
  8. Click “Retrieve Password”
  9. Create your new password & enter a second time below (Your password must be at least 12 characters)
  10. Check the “I agree to the terms and conditions” checkbox
  11. Click continue
  12. At login page, highlight “Bay Pavilions” location
  13. Click “Continue Login”
  1. Login to Active Carrot from the Website or here: https://secure.activecarrot.com/login?site=1441
  2. Click “Book Online”
  3. Click “Group Fitness Bookings”
  4. Change to “List View” (blue button on the right hand side, at the top of the table – this makes it much easier to read)
  5. Hover your mouse over the class time or over the green “Book” button to see how many spots are available
  6. If the class is highlighted GREEN, bookings are open for that class and you are able to book in
  7. If the class is highlighted YELLOW, bookings for that class have not opened yet, you cannot book more than 24 hours ahead of the class
  8. Click the class you would like to attend
  9. On the next page, check the details are correct
  10. Read the terms and conditions and check “I Agree” if you do
  11. Click “Book Now!”

A pop up notification will display and ask you to confirm, click “Ok” to continue your booking

*Please note for Aqua classes you will need to collect your class ticket at reception prior to your class.  Platinum members exempt. 

**Online and phone bookings are reserved for our members and are not available for casuals.

Opening Hours


Monday – Thursday


Saturday & Sunday

Public holidays

Box Office

Monday – Friday

*Open 1 hour before all shows

Opening Hours


Monday – Friday

Saturday & Sunday

Public holidays

Box Office

Monday – Friday

*Open 1 hour before all shows